001package bradleyross.library.helpers;
003import java.lang.Integer;
004import java.io.BufferedReader;
005import java.io.File;
006import java.io.FileReader;
007import java.io.FileWriter;
008import java.io.StringReader;
009import java.sql.ResultSet;
010import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
011import java.sql.SQLException;
012import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
014 * Generates an Excel XML workbook.
015 *
016 * @author Bradley Ross
017 * @see bradleyross.library.helpers.tests.TestSpreadsheetHelpers
018 */
019public class SpreadsheetHelpers
021        /**
022         * Running count of the number of rows in the current spreadsheet.
023         */
024        private int numRows = 0;
025        /** 
026         * Number of columns in the current spreadsheet.
027         */
028        private int numCols = 0;
029        /**
030         * Controls amount of diagnostic messages to be generated.
031         * @see #setDebugLevel(int)
032         * @see #getDebugLevel()
033         */
034        private int debugLevel = 0;
035        /**
036         * Set amount of diagnostic messages to be printed.
037         * 
038         * <p>A value of 0 indicates that a normal level diagnostic messages are
039         * to be printed.  Increased
040         * values increase the quantity of diagnostic messages, while negative 
041         * numbers reduce the amount of messages.</p>
042         * 
043         * @param level Desired level of diagnostic messages.
044         */
045        public void setDebugLevel (int level)
046        { 
047                debugLevel = level; 
048        }
049        /**
050         * Returns value of debugLevel
051         * @return Value of debugLevel
052         * @see #debugLevel
053         * @see #setDebugLevel(int)
054         */
055        public int getDebugLevel()
056        {
057                return debugLevel;
058        }
059        /**
060         * This method constructs a new file containing the
061         * contents of a String object.
062         *
063         * @param data String containing information to be moved to file
064         * @param fileName Name of file to be generated
065         */
066        public void stringToFile(String data, String fileName)
067        {
068                try
069                {
070                        File outputFile = new File(fileName);
071                        FileWriter outputWriter = new FileWriter(outputFile);
072                        outputWriter.write(data);
073                        outputWriter.close();
074                }
075                catch (java.io.IOException e)
076                {
077                        System.out.println("Error in SpreadsheetHelpers.stringToFile");
078                        e.printStackTrace(System.out);
079                }
080        }
081        /**
082         * Prints the contents of a result set.
083         * @param rs ResultSet to be printed
084         * @throws SQLException if database errors
085         */
086        public void listResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
087        throws SQLException
088        {
089                ResultSetMetaData meta;
090                if (rs == null)
091                {
092                        System.out.println("Error in listResultSet");
093                        System.out.println("ResultSet has null value");
094                }
095                try
096                {
097                        meta = rs.getMetaData();
098                        System.out.print(meta.getColumnCount());
099                        System.out.println(" columns");
100                        for (int i=1; i <= meta.getColumnCount(); i++)
101                        {
102                                System.out.print(meta.getColumnLabel(i));
103                                System.out.print("   ");
104                                System.out.print(meta.getColumnTypeName(i));
105                                System.out.println("   ");
106                        }
107                        System.out.println("***");
108                        while (rs.next())
109                        {
110                                System.out.println("*** New record");
111                                for (int i=1; i <= meta.getColumnCount(); i++)
112                                { System.out.println(rs.getString(i)); }
113                        }
114                }
115                catch (SQLException ex1)
116                {
117                        System.out.println("*** Error in listResultSet");
118                        System.out.println("SQLException");
119                        ex1.printStackTrace(System.out);
120                        throw ex1;
121                }
122                catch (Exception ex)
123                {
124                        System.out.println("*** Error in listResultSet");
125                        System.out.println("Unknown Exception");
126                        ex.printStackTrace(System.out);
127                }
128        }
130        private void addText(StringBuffer working, String text)
131        {
132                working.append(text);
133                working.append(" \r\n");
134        }
135        /**
136         * Returns the character string that should appear at the start of the
137         * workbook.
138         * 
139         * <p>Some of the literal values in the listing below should probably be
140         *    replaced with calculated values, particularly the date and time
141         *    of the creation of the document.</p>
142         *    
143         * @return Text for start of workbook
144         */
145        public String startWorkbook()
146        {
147                StringBuffer working = new StringBuffer();
148                addText(working, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?> ");
149                addText(working, "<Workbook ");
150                addText(working, "xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office"
151                                .concat(":spreadsheet\" "));
152                addText(working, "xmlns:o=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" ");
153                addText(working, "xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\" ");
154                addText(working, "xmlns:ss=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\" ");
155                addText(working, "xmlns:html=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40\"> ");
156                addText(working, "<DocumentProperties  ");
157                addText(working, " xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\"> ");
158                addText(working, "<Author>bross</Author> ");
159                addText(working, "<LastAuthor>bross</LastAuthor> ");
160                addText(working, "<Created>2005-11-08T19:50:13Z</Created> ");
161                addText(working, "<Company></Company> ");
162                addText(working, "<Version>10.4219</Version> ");
163                addText(working, "</DocumentProperties> ");
164                addText(working, "<OfficeDocumentSettings ");
165                addText(working, "xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\"> ");
166                addText(working, "<DownloadComponents/> ");
167                addText(working, "<LocationOfComponents HRef=\"file:///\\\"/> ");
168                addText(working, "</OfficeDocumentSettings> ");
169                addText(working, "<ExcelWorkbook ");
170                addText(working, "xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\"> ");
171                addText(working, "<WindowHeight>7680</WindowHeight> ");
172                addText(working, "<WindowWidth>11355</WindowWidth> ");
173                addText(working, "<WindowTopX>120</WindowTopX> ");
174                addText(working, "<WindowTopY>90</WindowTopY> ");
175                addText(working, "<ProtectStructure>False</ProtectStructure> ");
176                addText(working, "<ProtectWindows>False</ProtectWindows> ");
177                addText(working, "</ExcelWorkbook> ");
178                addText(working, "<Styles> ");
179                addText(working, "<Style ss:ID=\"Default\" ss:Name=\"Normal\"> ");
180                addText(working, "<Alignment ss:Vertical=\"Bottom\"/> ");
181                addText(working, "<Borders/> ");
182                addText(working, "<Font/> ");
183                addText(working, "<Interior/> ");
184                addText(working, "<NumberFormat/> ");
185                addText(working, "<Protection/> ");
186                addText(working, "</Style> ");
187                addText(working, "<Style ss:ID=\"s21\"> ");
188                addText(working, "<NumberFormat ss:Format=\"Fixed\"/> ");
189                addText(working, "</Style> ");
190                /* Style s23 if for the column names and text entries */
191                addText(working, "<Style ss:ID=\"s23\"> ");
192                addText(working, "<Alignment ss:Vertical=\"Bottom\" "
193                                .concat("ss:WrapText=\"1\"/> "));
194                addText(working, "<NumberFormat ss:Format=\"@\"/> ");
195                addText(working, "</Style> ");
196                /* Style s24 is for dates */
197                addText(working, "<Style ss:ID=\"s24\"> ");
198                addText(working, "<Alignment ss:Vertical=\"Bottom\" "
199                                .concat("ss:WrapText=\"1\"/> "));
200                addText(working, "<NumberFormat ss:Format=\"m/d/yyyy;@\"/> ");
201                addText(working, "</Style> ");
202                addText(working, "</Styles> ");
203                return new String(working);
204        }
205        /**
206         * Generate the XML text to appear at the start of a spreadsheet within the
207         * workbook.
208         * 
209         * @param worksheetName Name of spreadsheet
210         * @param numRows Number of rows in spreadsheet
211         * @param numCols Number of columns in spreadsheet
212         * @return XML text for start of spreadsheet
213         */
214        private String startWorksheet(String worksheetName, int numRows, int numCols)
215        {
216                StringBuffer working =new StringBuffer();
217                addText(working, "<Worksheet ss:Name=\""
218                                .concat(worksheetName)
219                                .concat("\"> "));
220                /* 
221                 ** The ExpandedColumnCount and ExpandedRowCount
222                 ** have to be set to actual dimensions of the
223                 ** spreadsheet.
224                 */
225                addText(working, "<Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount=\""
226                                .concat(Integer.toString(numCols))
227                                .concat("\" "));
228                addText(working, "ss:ExpandedRowCount=\""
229                                .concat(Integer.toString(numRows + 1))
230                                .concat("\" x:FullColumns=\"1\" "));
231                addText(working, "x:FullRows=\"1\"> ");
232                return new String(working);
233        }
234        /**
235         * Generate the XML text to appear at the end of a spreadsheet
236         * within the workbook.
237         * 
238         * @return XML code to end spreadsheet
239         */
240        private String endWorksheet()
241        {
242                StringBuffer working = new StringBuffer();
243                addText(working, "</Table>");
244                addText(working, "</Worksheet>");
245                return new String(working);
246        }
247        /**
248         * Generate header line for spreadsheet.
249         * 
250         * <p>Overriding this method should allow the contents of the header line
251         *    to be changed as desired.</p>
252         * <p>This method is normally called from the newWorksheet methods.</p>
253         * @param rs Result Set from SQL query
254         * @param meta ResultSetMetaData from SQL query
255         * @param columns XML statements specifying formatting
256         *   of columns
257         * @return contents of header
258         * @throws SQLException if database errors
259         */
260        protected String generateWorksheetHeader(ResultSet rs,
261                        ResultSetMetaData meta, String columns) throws SQLException
262                        {
263                StringBuffer working = new StringBuffer();
264                if (columns != null)
265                { addText(working, columns); }
266                // String colTypes[];
267                String colNames[];
268                // int typeCodes[];
269                try
270                {
271                        numCols = meta.getColumnCount();
272                        // colTypes = new String[numCols+1];
273                        colNames = new String[numCols+1];
274                        addText(working, "<Row> ");
275                        for (int i = 1; i <= numCols; i++)
276                        {
277                                colNames[i] = meta.getColumnLabel(i);
278                                if (colNames[i] == null)
279                                {
280                                        addText(working, "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s23\" /> ");
281                                }
282                                else if (colNames[i].trim().length() == 0)
283                                {
284                                        addText(working, "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s23\" /> ");
285                                }
286                                else
287                                {
288                                        addText(working, "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s23\"> "
289                                                        .concat("<Data ss:Type=\"String\">")
290                                                        .concat(colNames[i])
291                                                        .concat("</Data>")
292                                                        .concat("</Cell> "));
293                                }
294                        }
295                        addText(working, "</Row>");
296                }
297                catch (SQLException e)
298                {
299                        e.printStackTrace(System.out);
300                }
301                return new String(working);
302        }
303        /**
304         * Use the contents of a ResultSet to create an Excel spreadsheet.
305         * @param worksheetName Name to be used for Excel spreadsheet.
306         * @param rs ResultSet object to be used.
307         * @return XML source for Excel spreadsheet
308         * @throws SQLException if database errors
309         * 
310         * @see #newWorksheet(String, ResultSet, String)
311         */
312        public String newWorksheet(String worksheetName, ResultSet rs)
313        throws SQLException
314        {
315                return newWorksheet(worksheetName, rs,
316                                (String) null);
317        }
318        /**
319         * Use the contents of a ResultSet to create an Excel spreadsheet.
320         *
321         * This version allows the width of the columns to be set by the 
322         * calling program.
323         * @param worksheetName Name to be used for Excel spreadsheet
324         * @param rs ResultSet object to be used
325         * @param columns String to be inserted into spreadsheet to define
326         *        widths of columns
327         * @return XML source for Excel spreadsheet
328         * @throws SQLException if database errors
329         */
330        public String newWorksheet(String worksheetName, ResultSet rs,
331                        String columns) throws SQLException
332                        { return newWorksheet(worksheetName, rs, columns, -1); }
333        /**
334         * Use the contents of a ResultSet to create an Excel worksheet.
335         *
336         * This version allows the width of the columns to be set by the 
337         * calling program.
338         * 
339         * @see #newWorksheet(String, ResultSet)
340         * @see #newWorksheet(String, ResultSet, String)
341         * 
342         * @param worksheetName Name to be used for Excel worksheet
343         * @param rs ResultSet object to be used
344         * @param columns String to be inserted into spreadsheet to define
345         *        widths of columns
346         * @param breakColumn This is the number of the column that will be
347         *        used for bursting the report
348         * @return XML source for Excel spreadsheet
349         * @throws SQLException if database errors
350         */
351        public String newWorksheet(String worksheetName, ResultSet rs,
352                        String columns, int breakColumn) throws SQLException
353                        {
354                boolean firstRow = true;
355                String burstValue = null;
356                String oldBurstValue = null;
357                numRows = 0;
358                numCols = 0;
359                if (breakColumn > 0)
360                {
361                        System.out.println("Breaking on column " +
362                                        Integer.toString(breakColumn));
363                }
364                /*
365                 *  working is the central part of the current worksheet
366                 * 
367                 *  bigWorking will be a concatenation of all of the 
368                 *  spreadsheets in the workbook
369                 */
370                StringBuffer working = null;
371                StringBuffer bigWorking = null;
372                working = new StringBuffer();
373                bigWorking = new StringBuffer();
374                if (debugLevel > 0)
375                {
376                        System.out.println("Processing result set started at "
377                                        .concat(new java.util.Date().toString()));
378                }
379                String colTypes[];
380                String colNames[];
381                int typeCodes[];
382                ResultSetMetaData meta = null;
383                try
384                {
385                        meta = rs.getMetaData();
386                        numCols = meta.getColumnCount();
387                        colTypes = new String[numCols+1];
388                        colNames = new String[numCols+1];
389                        typeCodes = new int[numCols+1];
390                        for (int i = 1; i <= numCols; i++)
391                        {
392                                colNames[i] = meta.getColumnLabel(i);
393                                typeCodes[i] = meta.getColumnType(i);
394                                /*
395                                 ** There are approximately 30 different
396                                 ** codes for column types
397                                 */
398                                switch (typeCodes[i])
399                                {
400                                case java.sql.Types.CHAR:
401                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("CHAR");
402                                        break;
403                                case java.sql.Types.DATE:
404                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("DATE");
405                                        break;
406                                case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL:
407                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("DECIMAL");
408                                        break;
409                                case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE:
410                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("DOUBLE");
411                                        break;
412                                case java.sql.Types.FLOAT:
413                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("FLOAT");
414                                        break;
415                                case java.sql.Types.INTEGER:
416                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("INTEGER");
417                                        break;
418                                case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC:
419                                        colTypes[i] = new String("NUMERIC");
420                                        break;
421                                case java.sql.Types.OTHER:
422                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("OTHER");
423                                        break;
424                                case java.sql.Types.REAL:
425                                        colTypes[i] = new String("REAL");
426                                        break;
427                                case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT:
428                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("SMALLINT");
429                                        break;
430                                case java.sql.Types.TIME:
431                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("TIME");
432                                        break;
433                                case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP:
434                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("TIMESTAMP");
435                                        break;
436                                case java.sql.Types.TINYINT:
437                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("TINYINT");
438                                        break;
439                                case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR:
440                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("VARCHAR");
441                                        break;
442                                default:
443                                        colTypes[i] = new String ("UNKNOWN");
444                                        break;
445                                }
446                                System.out.println(colNames[i].concat("   ")
447                                                .concat(colTypes[i]));
448                        } // End of loop for determining types of columns
449                        System.out.flush();
450                        /*
451                         **
452                         ** By using the condition
453                         ** (rs.next() && numRows < 500)
454                         ** you limit yourself to the
455                         ** first 2000 rows or the size of
456                         ** the ResultSet, whichever is smaller
457                         **
458                         ** This allows repeated testing of the 
459                         ** Java code.
460                         */
461                        while (rs.next())
462                                // while (rs.next() && numRows < 500)
463                        {
464                                numRows = numRows + 1;
465                                if (numRows % 1000 == 0 && numRows > 10)
466                                {
467                                        System.out.println(Integer.toString(numRows)
468                                                        .concat(" records processed at ")
469                                                        .concat(new java.util.Date().toString()));
470                                }
471                                /*
472                                 ** Create new spreadsheet if value of break 
473                                 ** column changes.
474                                 */
475                                if ((breakColumn > 0) && firstRow)
476                                {
477                                        burstValue = rs.getString(breakColumn);
478                                        oldBurstValue = rs.getString(breakColumn);
479                                        firstRow = false;
480                                }
481                                else if ((breakColumn > 0) && !firstRow)
482                                {
483                                        burstValue = rs.getString(breakColumn);
484                                        if (!burstValue.equals(oldBurstValue))
485                                        {
486                                                System.out.println(Integer.toString(numRows) +
487                                                                " rows for " + oldBurstValue);
488                                                bigWorking
489                                                .append(startWorksheet(oldBurstValue, numRows, numCols))
490                                                .append(generateWorksheetHeader(rs, meta, columns))
491                                                .append(new String(working))
492                                                .append(endWorksheet(numRows, numCols));
493                                                working = new StringBuffer();
494                                                oldBurstValue = burstValue;
495                                                numRows = 1;
496                                        }
497                                } 
498                                addText(working, "<Row>");
499                                for (int i = 1; i <= numCols; i++)
500                                {
501                                        switch (typeCodes[i])
502                                        {
503                                        case java.sql.Types.CHAR:
504                                        case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR:
505                                                if (rs.getString(i) == null)
506                                                {
507                                                        addText(working, "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s23\" />");
508                                                }
509                                                else if (rs.getString(i).trim().length() == 0)
510                                                {
511                                                        addText(working, "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s23\" />");
512                                                }
513                                                else
514                                                {
515                                                        addText(working, "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s23\">"
516                                                                        .concat("<Data ss:Type=\"String\">")
517                                                                        .concat(rs.getString(i))
518                                                                        .concat("</Data>")
519                                                                        .concat("</Cell> "));
520                                                }
521                                                break;
522                                                /*
523                                                 ** Changed from float to double on 05-April-2006
524                                                 */
525                                        case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE:
526                                        case java.sql.Types.FLOAT:
527                                        case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC:
528                                                addText(working, "<Cell><Data ss:Type=\"Number\">"
529                                                                .concat(Double.toString(rs.getDouble(i)))
530                                                                .concat("</Data>")
531                                                                .concat("</Cell> "));
532                                                break;
533                                        case java.sql.Types.DATE:
534                                        case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP:
535                                                if (rs.getDate(i) == null)
536                                                {
537                                                        addText(working, "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s24\" />");
538                                                }
539                                                else
540                                                {
541                                                        SimpleDateFormat formatter =
542                                                                new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
543                                                        addText(working, "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"s24\">"
544                                                                        .concat("<Data ss:Type=\"DateTime\">")
545                                                                        .concat(formatter.format(rs.getDate(i)))
546                                                                        .concat("T00:00:00.000")
547                                                                        .concat("</Data>")
548                                                                        .concat("</Cell> "));
549                                                }
550                                                break;
551                                        default:
552                                                if (rs.getString(i) == null)
553                                                {
554                                                        addText(working, "<Cell />");
555                                                }
556                                                else if (rs.getString(i).trim().length() == 0)
557                                                {
558                                                        addText(working, "<Cell />");
559                                                }
560                                                else
561                                                {
562                                                        addText(working, "<Cell><Data ss:Type=\"String\">"
563                                                                        .concat(rs.getString(i))
564                                                                        .concat("</Data>")
565                                                                        .concat("</Cell> "));
566                                                }
567                                                break;
568                                        } // End of switch statement
569                                }
570                                addText(working, "</Row>");
571                        } // end of loop for columns in row
572                        /*
573                         ** This is the end of the loop for processing the rows from
574                         ** the result set.
575                         */
576                        System.out.println("Processing result set finished at "
577                                        .concat(new java.util.Date().toString()));
578                        if (breakColumn > 0)
579                        {
580                                System.out.println("There were "
581                                                + Integer.toString(numRows) + " rows for " +
582                                                burstValue);
583                        }
584                        else
585                        {
586                                System.out.println("There were "
587                                                .concat(Integer.toString(numRows)).concat(" rows."));
588                        }
589                } // end of try block
590                catch (SQLException e)
591                {
592                        System.out.flush();
593                        System.out.println("SQLException exception handler");
594                        System.out.println(Integer.toString(numRows).concat(" records"));
595                        System.out.println(e.getMessage());
596                        e.printStackTrace(System.out);
597                        throw e;
598                }
599                catch (Exception e)
600                {
601                        System.out.flush();
602                        System.out.println("Default exception handler");
603                        System.out.println(Integer.toString(numRows).concat(" records"));
604                        e.printStackTrace(System.out);
605                }
606                String tempName = null;
607                if (breakColumn > 0)
608                { tempName = burstValue; }
609                else
610                { tempName = worksheetName; }
611                return new String(bigWorking
612                                .append(startWorksheet(tempName, numRows, numCols))
613                                .append(generateWorksheetHeader(rs, meta, columns))
614                                .append(new String(working))
615                                .append(endWorksheet(numRows, numCols)));
616                        }
617        /**
618         * Use the contents of a file to create an Excel worksheet.
619         * @param worksheetName Name of worksheet to be created.
620         * @param inputFile Name of file to be read
621         * @return XML string containing Excel worksheet
622         */
623        public String newWorksheet(String worksheetName, java.io.File inputFile)
624        {
625                String results = null;
626                try
627                {
628                        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile));
629                        results = newWorksheet(worksheetName, in);
630                }
631                catch (java.io.IOException e)
632                {
633                        System.out.println("*** Error in SpreadsheetHelpers.newWorksheet");
634                        System.out.println("(java.lang.String, java.io.File)");
635                        System.out.println("java.io.IOException");
636                        e.printStackTrace(System.out);
637                }
638                return results;
639        }
640        /**
641         * Use the contents of a String object to create an Excel spreadsheet.
642         * @param worksheetName Name of spreadsheet to be created.
643         * @param input String object to be read
644         * @return XML string containing Excel spreadsheet
645         */
646        public String newWorksheet(String worksheetName, String input)
647        {
648                String results = null;
649                BufferedReader in = null;
650                in = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(input));
651                results = newWorksheet(worksheetName, in);
652                return results;
653        }
654        /**
655         * Use java.io.Reader object to create an Excel worksheet.
656         * @param worksheetName Name of worksheet to be created.
657         * @param in String object to be read
658         * @return XML string containing Excel worksheet
659         */
660        public String newWorksheet(String worksheetName, java.io.BufferedReader in)
661        {
662                numRows = 1;
663                StringBuffer working = new StringBuffer();
664                addText(working, "<Column ss:Index=\"1\" ss:AutoFitWidth=\"0\" "
665                                .concat("ss:Width=\"350.0\" />"));
666                try
667                {
668                        numRows = 0;
669                        String newLine = null;
670                        String modifiedLine = null;
671                        while ((newLine = in.readLine()) != null)
672                        {
673                                modifiedLine = newLine.replaceAll("&", "&amp;")
674                                .replaceAll("\'", "&apos;")
675                                .replaceAll("\"", "&quot;")
676                                .replaceAll("<", "&lt;")
677                                .replaceAll(">", "&gt;");
678                                addText (working, "<Row><Cell ss:StyleID=\"s23\">"
679                                                .concat("<Data ss:Type=\"String\">")
680                                                .concat (modifiedLine)
681                                                .concat ("</Data></Cell></Row>"));
682                                numRows = numRows + 1;
683                        }
684                }
685                catch (java.io.IOException e)
686                {
687                        System.out.println("*** Error in SpreadsheetHelpers.newWorksheet");
688                        System.out.println("(java.lang.String, java.io.Reader)");
689                        System.out.println("java.io.IOException");
690                        e.printStackTrace(System.out);
691                }
692                return new String(startWorksheet(worksheetName, numRows, 1)
693                                .concat(new String(working))
694                                .concat(endWorksheet()));
695        }
696        /** 
697         * Generates the ending string for an Excel Workbook in XML format.
698         * @return Ending string for workbook.
699         */
700        public String endWorkbook()
701        {
702                StringBuffer working = new StringBuffer();
703                addText(working, "</Workbook>");
704                return new String(working);
705        }
706        /* 
707         ** This version of endWorksheet is for use with the results
708         ** of the SQL Query and enables autofiltering
709         */
710        private String endWorksheet(int numRows, int numCols)
711        {
712                StringBuffer working = new StringBuffer();
713                addText(working, "</Table> ");
714                addText(working, "<WorksheetOptions ");
715                addText(working, "xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\"> ");
716                addText(working, "<Selected/> ");
717                addText(working, "<FreezePanes /> ");
718                addText(working, "<SplitHorizontal>1</SplitHorizontal> ");
719                addText(working, "<TopRowBottomPane>1</TopRowBottomPane> ");
720                addText(working, "<ActivePane>2</ActivePane> ");
721                addText(working, "<Panes> ");
722                addText(working, "<Pane> ");
723                addText(working, "<Number>2</Number> ");
724                addText(working, "</Pane> ");
725                addText(working, "<Pane> ");
726                addText(working, "<Number>3</Number> ");
727                addText(working, "</Pane> ");
728                addText(working, "</Panes> ");
729                addText(working, "<ProtectObjects>False</ProtectObjects> ");
730                addText(working, "<ProtectScenarios>False</ProtectScenarios> ");
731                addText(working, "</WorksheetOptions> ");
732                addText(working, "<AutoFilter x:Range=\"R1C1:R"
733                                .concat(Integer.toString(numRows + 1))
734                                .concat("C")
735                                .concat(Integer.toString(numCols))
736                                .concat("\" xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\" /> "));
737                addText(working, "</Worksheet>");
738                return new String(working);
739        }