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Package bradleyross.opensource.jfreechart

Examples using JFreeChart, an open-source library for plotting graphs of various types.

See: Description

Package bradleyross.opensource.jfreechart Description

Examples using JFreeChart, an open-source library for plotting graphs of various types.

The web site for this package is located at

The Javadocs's for the various libraries are at the following locations.

Some of the methods used in this package are deprecated. However, I have suppressed deprecation warnings.

There is a demonstration of the various chart types in the file jfreechart-1.0.10-demo.jar. This program can be execued by either of the following methods.


Warning: The programs in the file jfreechart-1.0.10-demo.jar dynamically load the contents of other jar files. That means that the directories must be in the same relative file locations as in the download from the JFree site.

Platform dependence

This library uses SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit from Eclipse Foundation) graphics, which are platform dependent. Versions are available for Apple Macintosh and Windows as well as a version that should be platform dependent but is described as being a little slower. If it is used in applets (programs run on the browser in the same way as Flash or ShockWave), it may be necessary to have three versions on the web site, although this would be transparent to users.

If used in servlets (programs that run on the server), the swt.jar file for the appropriate platform should be placed in the lib directory, which is used for all applications on the server.



Articles on using JFreeChart can be found at the following locations.

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